“Sunrise at Schmeeckle”

John created this stunning image on a magical morning in September just as the sun poked through the clouds on Lake Joanis at the Scheeckle Reserve.

You can order this art piece for your home or office.

Printed on high gloss aluminum, the durable high gloss finish enhances the high dynamic range of the picture. Mounted on a metal frame backing, it stands out from your wall about an inch for extra dimension, and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. It is available from 8 x 10 to 40 x 60, and no frame is necessary!

You can also choose top have your image printed on traditional photographic paper and mounted to masonite in a black art frame. The print has a durable lacquer coating for extra protection and durability.

Not sure about a size?

We can show you what your art piece will look like—in the exact size, on the actual wall in your home where it will hang—before you decide. Call, text or e-mail us (below) and we’ll show you how to get the perfect size for your space.

Free shipping direct to your door!

Choose your size below and click Add to Cart to order securely on-line. Your photograph will be delivered directly to your home or office within two weeks. Thank you for supporting local art!

Order yours here today!

Green Circle Trail

Contact John with any questions